Trust the Science? Faulty Study Analysis!
Perhaps we can trust the science sometimes, but beware the mainstream manipulation and perspective!
Trusting the ‘Science’ is Complicated!
A recent study on vaccinating pre-term newborns is a perfect example of varying scientific perspectives or opinions. The study, titled Apnea After 2-Month Vaccinations in Hospitalized Preterm Infants, looked at the frequency and duration of apneic events in infants born at or before 33 weeks gestation. Let’s review the terminology here. Apneic means not breathing. If a person has apnea, they are not breathing. For instance, people with obstructive sleep ‘apnea’ have episodes during sleep where they are not breathing. Thirty-three weeks gestation isn’t extremely pre-term, but it’s significant. A normal gestation length is 40 weeks, so being born 7 weeks, or almost two months early, is not without risk. In my experience, thirty-three weekers do fine most of the time. I’ve seen a twenty-three-week gestation birth have a positive outcome many times, and I’ve even heard of a twenty-two-weeker surviving.
In this study of 223 infants, 107 were vaccinated, and 116 were unvaccinated. The vaccinated infants received the pneumococcal, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, polio, and haemophilus influenza vaccines—SEVEN INJECTIONS! The average gestational age was 27 weeks. It’s my opinion that jabbing tiny humans this early in life is straight-up unethical! I suppose one could argue that the h. flu, pertussis, and pneumococcal jabs would offer some pertinent protection, but their argument falls apart once you look at the real data. The hep B vaccine given within hours of birth is pure insanity. The people in the CDC who approved the hep B jab for babies and the doctors who administer them should be given a psych evaluation to determine if they’re psychopathic or sociopathic. The only way a person can contract hep B is if they’re doing heroin and sharing needles or having unprotected sex. I only know of one infant who shot heroin and was having sex on the first day of life. Just kidding- babies don’t do drugs (except the drugs given by the white coat cult), and they don’t have sex. An infant could contract hep b from their mother, but all moms are tested for hep B before birth, so it would be known whether or not the child has hep B. When you ask a doctor what their motivation is for injecting a one-day-old infant with the hep B vaccine, they can’t give a reasonable answer but will fall back on the “we give it in case mothers forget to come back later and get it for their baby” excuse. Craziness!
Also, a child is at zero risk of polio, diphtheria, and tetanus while hospitalized after birth. Books have been written about the lack of safety and efficacy in these vaccines, and I would argue none of them should be given at birth, or ever for that matter. Regardless of the safety and efficacy of these jabs, why would they inject this garbage into a tiny little human who is at zero risk of contracting the disease?
So, what’s in the DTaP jab?
What’s in the hep B jab?
Just inject a bunch of aluminum and formaldehyde into a tiny baby…what could go wrong?
Back to the study results!
It’s simple. 107 infants were vaccinated, and 116 were unvaccinated. 25 vaccinated infants had apneic events (24%), and 12 unvaccinated had apneic events (12%). Simple math leads to the conclusion that the jabbed infants had double the risk of stopping breathing. It should be said that it is not abnormal for pre-term infants to have some apneic events, but it should set off alarm bells that the vaccinated had double the events. Isn’t apnea, or lack of breathing, the potential cause of SIDS? Wouldn’t honest and diligent clinicians, scientists, and researchers look deeper at these statistics to determine if these vaccinated kids are at greater risk of ‘dying suddenly?’ Apparently not! Look at the conclusion of the study!
They say, “The similar number and duration of apneic events…suggests that current vaccination recommendations for hospitalized infants are appropriate.” What? Similar? The events were doubled in the vaxxed group! These people are paid to lie and manipulate the population at the behest of big pHARMa.
So, there you have it. Science! Trust the science! Trust big pharma! Not!
Of note, my wife is a neonatal nurse practitioner with 25 years of experience, and she concurs that the findings here are significant and should be considered.
Science is politics these days, and you’d better do your own research rather than trust the mouthpiece of the cabal.
Please keep seeking and speaking the Truth! Keep your eyes peeled for corruption and manipulated data. We’ll continue to do our part here at The Truth Expedition and alert you to lies when we find them.
Don’t tread on me, and don’t shed on me!
Mark Bishofsky-Registered Respiratory Therapist-Activist-Host of The Truth Expedition