Thank you. I love lists of information sources. It is important to read the propaganda, as well as legitimate sources, and then triangulate information to arrive at a narrative that is both internally consistent and predictive. No source of news is going to give anyone the full picture. You have to develop an instinctive ability to discern what is going on, because by the time you get facts as evidence, it is often too late. I try to read everything I can get my hands on so that I never lose track of the developing narratives. Having said that, as someone immersed in research for decades, there is really only one source that matters in the end: The Bible. It contains not only truth for eternal life, but happens to be the most geopolitically accurate document in print.

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I was hoping that this article would generate an active dialog, because research sources are foundational to informed opinions. I run into so many people who post comments in various places, and all they do is reveal how utterly uninformed they are. This is a tragic state of affairs, especially if we are on the verge of losing our ability to speak freely altogether. We have to know what we are willing to take a stand for, and that has to be an informed decision. We have to be able to reference sources, not just rely on what we want to believe is true. People have to find a way to get rid of the chaff in their lives, the wasted time, the wasted energy, and focus.

In the interest of hoping to generate more interest in this topic, that you gentlemen have so thoughtfully introduced, I'm going to freeze what I'm doing in time and use it as a snapshot to say - this is what it's like.

Tonight I'm working on organizing materials on zero point energy. Recently, Michael Ginsberg, who writes the Actionable Truth Substack, produced excellent - and I mean really, really, great, material on 9-11. The material he provided to his readers included a documentary on 9-11, and that documentary contained material from a lecture by Dr. Judy Wood. Dr. Judy Wood is part of the 9-11 Truth Movement and has written what is in my opinion the single most important book in print on this topic. The bottom line is, she provides evidence that 9-11 was not a controlled demolition in the classic sense, but that the physical remains of the towers provide us with tangible evidence of the use of directed energy weapons. She and her colleagues point to the fact that another prominent segment of the 9-11 Truth Movement that challenges the official narrative has as its real function the debunking of anyone who realizes that a DEW was used on 9-11.

What does a person do with a claim like that? You follow the trail, if you are not already familiar with the technology. And following that trail leads to credible scientists who talk about cold fusion, zero point energy, Tesla coils, and the need to return to the quaternion form of Maxwell's equations. Importantly, it isn't that this science merely gives a window into what happened on 9-11. It's much more than that. It's that 9-11 provides us with previously unobtainable evidence regarding a physics that is not available to the general public - and that sheds light on our geopolitical reality. It leads to material written by individuals like Thomas Bearden, and some seriously technical material by others about whether Einstein was a fraud, which forces the question of whether Einstein's work was a cover for the real technology being used by the elites.

With this question in mind, one can return to Lahaina (remember, the Lahaina we all promised we would never forget), where we discover the same physical evidence that cannot be explained by conventional physics. But, well, we have forgotten Lahaina, haven't we? For those who never followed it closely, Lahaina is not the only current-day relevance of the material provided by Dr. Wood. It relates to UFOs. In my opinion, the UFO narrative is only going to gain in prominence, and most of the general population will be forced to believe whatever they are told. In my opinion, also, informed thinkers need to be thinking about UFOs, so they are not misled - or taken by surprise. As another example of the relevance of 9-11 is that most alternative writers believe in the power of We the People - a power that can only be evaluated realistically if we understand, not only the psychological weapons of the power elite, not only the biological weapons we have seen, but the hard-core kinetic weapons that make nukes look like old news.

I said in my earlier post that you have to develop a gestalt for evaluating information. One of the best ways to do that is to study broadly and find areas where theories can be tested objectively. It was my investigation of Einstein's theory of relativity over ten years ago that led me to see, for myself, that his equations embody a logical contradiction that cannot be resolved. In other words, you haven't done your homework if you you think SRT is legitimate.

That was one of my entry points into research. Physics is not everyone's cup of tea. But there are many other points of entry, depending on your tastes. The idea is to investigate things you CAN evaluate so that you learn to see patterns of deception that you can then apply to areas with which you are less familiar. We look at 9-11, which took place nearly a quarter of a century ago, and if we can figure out what really happened (not that hard to do if you have an open mind) then we can trace patterns of deception and what they look like.

I could have picked any one of a dozen of topics that work like this, but it's what I'm working on as I sit in my office this evening. I'm studying testimony, reports, I'm updating my books on alternative physics, I'm logging them, looking for patterns. We use media sources, but it is also imperative to study the material that is off the beaten path. It's valuable. That's why it's off the beaten path. The best analogy I can give is by asking the question: If you wanted to make sure someone never believed something, how would you do that? The answer is not to try to make it go away, the answer is that you bury it in dung. You have to sift through the material written by people who are discredited. The current Truth Movement is not really discredited - it has its own viable ecosphere. You have to rifle through intellectual junk yards, propaganda sources, sources that are genuinely buried, looking for gems of truth. What's better than invisibility? Intellectual taint.

I've got to get back to my own work now. I've written elsewhere that one can only spend so much time trying to convince others of what is true, because that is time lost on informing oneself of impending developments.

I hope someone finds this interesting, and picks up on the conversation that our substack hosts have started.

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