Apr 27Liked by The Truth Expedition

You should look at “The Flexner Report” for more info on how the Rockefeller’s influenced the medical environment of the early 1900’s. At that time, American had several homeopathic schools and hospitals and though homeopathic doctors were organized (they had a society before the AMA) they weren’t as organized, nor did they have the backing of big money. This money influenced the government and soon homeopathic MD’s were marginalized and as you see, there are no homeopathic hospitals to be seen. It’s quite an interesting turn of events that has led us to the state of health that we fine our selves in today. Thankfully homeopathy is experiencing a grassroots resurgence and is again offering people health options not available in the mainstream medical community.

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Yep. I plan on writing n article on this as well as so many people are unaware of the decades of deception. Heck, centuries of deception.

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